Three Lyons Creative > Work > Tespo
Tespo, a vitamin and supplement dispenser company that delivers supplement formulas in individually dosed, 31-serving pods that allow consumers to take the formulas as liquids, eliminating pills and increasing user compliance.
Produce a 1–1.5 minute video ad to be used on social channels that tells a story, demonstrates the value proposition, and instructs users on how to use the simple vitamin dispenser
PRE-PRODUCTION: scripting, storyboarding, shot list development, talent sourcing, location scouting
PRODUCTION: direction, cinematography, sound recording, lighting
POST-PRODUCTION: video editing, animation, color correction, sound design and mixing, music supervision
PRODUCTION: direction, cinematography, sound recording, lighting
POST-PRODUCTION: video editing, animation, color correction, sound design and mixing, music supervision
Three Lyons Creative developed three story treatments. As a team, we selected a concept we called “End Your Vitamin Nightmare.” We put together a storyboard, shot list, schedule, hired an actor, and scouted and booked locations. We then produced a 1:18 length video ad that mixed animated nightmare humor with product beauty shots.
The video generated over 150k impressions on Facebook. The conversion rate was better than anticipated and Tespo was out of stock on dispensers for a short time. The video continues to be a strong tool for product sales.
“People have been loving the Vitamin Nightmare video. So far we've generated over 150k impressions on Facebook alone and we're just getting started. We were out of stock on dispensers for a while there and are preparing to ramp back up.” —Charley Vlietstra, Marketing Manager